My weekend started off by me talking to Danny's teacher about his progress. Ya know when your gut tells you your right, but your heart feels a little bad. I know he should repeat first grade. I should practice what I preach. I tell parents who have this same question that they'll never regret it. I kept Jack back in 2nd grade but we moved here so it was no big deal. And Jack thanks me everyday, well not everyday but you know what I mean. My head tells me to do it. I know it's only January but I've been feeling this way all year. And his teacher totally is on board, but she thinks he might have processing issues as well. The problem is, his class, actually his whole grade level is so needy, so he definetely will not be tested this school year. I think I'll question myself until September is over, then I'll be so glad I did it. I just keep thinking of the other kids saying , "Danny why are you still in first grade?" Ugghhh! Anyway, so how's everyone elses weekend going? As usual, we've been running around all over the place, so my weekend has flown!!! Jack and I went shopping this morning, I cannot wait for spring, I'm so done with this weather. We went to JoAnn's to buy some things I need for the Valentine craft the kids are making for their parents. Then we went to Dick's to check out some lax shorts......I cannot wait for lacrosse to start, that means spring will be here soon, yay! Jack wants these shorts, I think they're so cute but he also wants these:

kinda crazy patterns but way better than last years~U-G-L-Y. Then we were off to his basketball game, we got crushed and he fouled out, it was a bummer. The only upside was that we were at
this gorgeous school, where money obviously grows on trees, even the headmasters house which was on the campus was unbelievable, it looked like it belonged on the shores of Nantucket. So pretty. I sent my resume there last year when we all got our pink slips, but they had no openings, bad timing. Oh well, it's almost time for the Pro Bowl, got to go drool over Hawaii :)
Hi Mike! Hope you have a great day!! You will figure it out for Dan, don't worry.