Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Annie, please send me back.......

Danny and his buddy Flat Stanley

Where's Flat Stanley?
Danny's teacher sent home Flat Stanley today.  We are supposed to send them to people out of state, and Annie my totally ultra creative sistah lives in California.  I was so excited because I thought this is great~ Danny will have the best journal, it will be so interesting, full of cute entries, fabulous pictures  (I swear a camera is part of Annie's wardrobe)  plus if you haven't been to Cali...GO!  It's awesome, the weather is beautiful and there's so many fun places to see.  So I call my sister to tell her about this little project and she gasps and says I hate Flat Stanley....HELLO....Who hates Flat Stanley?   This is supposed to be fun, Annie thinks it's too much pressure and she'll probably forget...Anner you know I will hound you with reminders to send Stanley back.  Would anyone else like to help poor little Danny out with this F-U-N project?  LOL  

1 comment:

  1. Ha!!!! Ha.....Yes, send out the dreaded Flat Stanley!!! We will have a blast taking him to all the hot spots in Cali!! Anything for Danny!! :)
