Danny and his buddy Flat Stanley |
Where's Flat Stanley? |
Danny's teacher sent home Flat Stanley today. We are supposed to send them to people out of state, and
Annie my totally ultra creative sistah lives in California. I was so excited because I thought this is great~ Danny will have the best journal, it will be so interesting, full of cute entries, fabulous pictures (I swear a camera is part of Annie's wardrobe) plus if you haven't been to Cali...GO! It's awesome, the weather is beautiful and there's so many fun places to see. So I call my sister to tell her about this little project and she gasps and says I hate Flat Stanley....HELLO....Who hates Flat Stanley? This is supposed to be fun, Annie thinks it's too much pressure and she'll probably forget...Anner you know I will hound you with reminders to send Stanley back. Would anyone else like to help poor little Danny out with this F-U-N project? LOL
Ha!!!! Ha.....Yes, send out the dreaded Flat Stanley!!! We will have a blast taking him to all the hot spots in Cali!! Anything for Danny!! :)