Well here we are at snow day #6, what is going on with this weather? I was watching the Today Show this morning and all of a sudden it clicked off to our local news and has been on ever since, BECAUSE the major news of the day is what else...THE SNOW, that only means one thing, all the good shows will be pre-empted so that the media can dwell on the storm. I had to turn it off when they actually interviewed someone on how to make an igloo for safety...wth??? So here I am on the computer instead. I read some blogs this morning and everyone seems to be getting into Valentine's Day, actually
my sister has been planning hers for over a month now, it's going to be so adorable, I can't wait to see the pics. I found these on some other blogs, very cute ideas.....

this idea came from

and this one came from
here. I thought this was very appropriate for our side of the country right now and I think the colors are so pretty.

And this came from
I can't wait for Valentine's Day either.....I LOVE CANDY and I love the whole idea of Valentine's. I have my kids make these Valentine's for their parents, I think it's ADORABLE and it's so easy, just paint puzzle pieces "Valentine" colors glue onto cardstock to make a border and have the kids write "I love you to pieces!" on an index card. It's in their handwriting which is so cute and just hang with pretty ribbon.
I'll post the ones my class makes next week, I had Ryan make this 7 years ago. Happy almost TGIF!
hey Mikey....missed your call today, out at school, park and the 75 degree weather.....I know, I am not being considerate of your being stuck, sorry! I love all the ideas! I will call you on Monday, maybe sooner, things to tell you of course. Hope it stops snowy, that is crazy. love ya! p.s...is Stanley on his way to warmer weather??? I can bring him to the beach, Danny's class won't believe it! :)