I'm creating a new blog just for teaching, I cannot wait to see the final product!!!!
Dream Team Designs is designing it for me. YAY!! Football Nut will be just for my fam, I think it will be easier that way and more conducive to what I want each one for. I'm sure most people are not interested in what I'm doing at home with the kids if they're looking up a teaching blog, right? When I originally started this blog back up it was really for my sister Annie who lives across the country, then I started finding all these AWESOME teaching blogs, so it became a major mish-mash....is that even a word??? LOL So, it will be a nice change to say the least. And did I mention I cannot wait to see it :) Anyway, onto this past week, I spent the beginning of the week in my room, I think I'm almost done-woo hoo, just a few odds and ends are left. Took Wednesday and Thursday off and unfortunately Thursday morning was a disaster. I went to the DMV....grrrrrrr!!! Talk about torture. Our lovely new Governor shut down many of the DMV's across the state, so now there are only 4 full service ones open. I wanted to scream, shear, shear torture. Spent many hours there. And this morning I was off to curriculum writing for our old/new math program. We have been using Investigations for the past few years. The district has finally upgraded to the newest version. So the day was spent checking and cross checking Investigations with the common core standards. In the past, we only had the kids rote count up to 30 and recognize numbers 1-20, now we've upped it to counting to 100 and recognizing numbers 1-30.....hope it's not too much to ask. I think a lot of kids come in knowing a lot more, but at the same time they're just babies and we expect them to read by the end of the year as well!! I know other districts have the same expectations, just praying it can happen with a half day kindergarten. We shall see, it will be a work in progress :) Anyway, it's Friday...almost time for what else??? football, have a great weekend! Oh and below, another work in progress, MY ROOOOMMMMM!! YAY!!
Almost done :) |
What I walked into :) |
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