Flat Stanley is back!!! |
How excited were we on Thursday when Danny't teacher handed me a huge package that came all the way from AUSTRALIA. So cool! If you remember Stanley left us for sunny CAL-I-FOR-NIA back on January 25 and he has returned to us practically 4 months to the day. Stanley missed Danny terribly but he had some awesome adventures. He traveled to Knots Berry Farm and got to see Angel Stadium too while staying with our fun cousins(WISH WE WERE THERE INSTEAD) Anyway, then it was off to Australia to stay with Annie's blogging friend
Libby. He spent a few days with Amy and Christy in the land down under, saw some aussie scenery, but his favorite part was going to Sydney to see Mary Poppins!! Lots of fun!! Thanks Annie and Libby, that was a great treat!
awesome!!! Libby got him back fast!