Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Highlights......

1.     Ryan turned 11, Danny turned 6 and Jack just turned 14

2.     Annie came home!  We had the best time hanging out...(sleeping at my house, Easter brunch at the club, NYC and going to our first Yankee game in the new Yankee Stadium)

3.     Ryan making Pop Warner Little Scholars, going to Gillette Stadium to accept his award.

4.     Ryan breaking his middle finger~possibly the grossest thing I've ever seen out for the LAX season.

5.     Danny realizing(thank God) that he does not like baseball.

6.     Jack breaking his hand and me not taking him to the doctor for 2 weeks b/c I didn't think it was broken, nice mom.

7.    Visiting Boston for the first time in my life, loved it.  Stayed here, http//

8.    Danny finally put his head under the water and swam like a fishie, woo hoooo!!!

9.   Going to the new Giants Stadium with my big boy for a pre-season game

10. Getting a job teaching K at Jane Ryan, boy did I hit the jackpot with that one  :)

11. Jack playing his last year for TPW and had a fabulous year.

12.  Ryan's football team made it to the New England Regional Superbowl and won!!

13.  Now... enjoying all 3 boys playing basketball........

Here's to 2011 and hoping it's the best year yet!

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