Welcome to my new blog. Myabe I' ll work on this one more than my other one. Typepad was up, and this one is free, it was a no brainer. We have been off all week, but it's been one sick house. I am going out of my mind. Ryan got sick on Sunday(you can see in the picture, he's not looking so good) We went down to White Plains to have lunch/brunch with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Uncle Whitey brought the superbowl rings. He must have tiny fingers, because Ryan's got stuck in some of them. After we stopped at Italian Pavillion for the best white pizza ever. Nothing compares. Anyway, I got whatever Ryan had, I have the chills, a fever and an annoying cough. I think it's on it's way out, at least I'm praying. My poor kids have been so bored, why does this always happen when we are on break??? Then Danny got REALLY sick last night about 11:30, he made it to the bathroom though. Thank God, he's my best barfer, always seems to make it. Jack is now dying, he HATES getting sick and is dreading that he is next. He really is bored, today he read over 450 pages of the last Harry Potter book. I feel really bad. Tomorrow we (me and Jack) get to go to the dermatologist, woo hoo!!! I have a feeling I have a basal cell on my face and he has 3 warts. Nice! John is taking the day, so they can do something after our doctor appointment. It snowed this afternoon, he can take them sleigh riding. Tomorrow night I am meeting up with my 2 friends from my first school, we were hired the same year. I have kept in touch with one all these years, but the other one whose house we are going to, contacted me through FB which by the way is A CRAZY ADDICTION. I have to say, I have calmed down a bit, it's fun but kinda weird. I'm looking forward to hanging out with them, I just better feel better. BTW Annie I'm watching Tatiana right now, LOL. Well, that's about it. Be back tomorrow maybe haha.
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